before and after · Home Depot · Painting

What’s in a Name?


If you are wondering where the heck I got the name for my blog, here’s how it came about.  I think if you’ve even looked at only one of my posts, you will understand the Painted That, part. But what about the Found This, part?

I have a deep,deep love for finding the perfect piece of furniture for my home….on the street. I share this love with others. (I know you’re out there. I’ve read your blogs.)

IMG_0230Here’s a few of my favorite finds, some found within a few feet of my door. Of course I painted the dresser and hutch from beaten up wood to white, keeping the hardware on the dresser but changing the old brass knobs on the hutch to crystal. (Why do I always forget to take before pictures???) I use the bottom drawer in the dresser for collecting the paper recycling – prettiest recycling box EVER.


This artwork was left out in the garbage! What the what?  The lantern was found curbside, still in its wrapper!


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The driftwood was collected from the beach. The column was from a bathroom reno, the table (a future before and after post) on the sidewalk outside a warehouse and my favorite, found with broken antlers and painted BROWN – who ever heard of a brown deer in decorating. Seriously.


It’s true I have given my husband near heart attacks by screaming STOP! as we drive along the roads and I spot my next project (I’m not proud of that but it’s out of my control!).  Sadly, I’ve had to drive by some amazing future refurbishes because of time or space or no sympathy constraints.

Still, spring comes and I know my chances of finding another abandoned beauty are near. Thanks neighbours!


Paint from the Home Depot

17 thoughts on “What’s in a Name?

  1. I love how your blogs give me giggles! Thank you for your inspiration. I to love the free stuff, treasures that no one else can see the beauty in! Fabulous! :~)

  2. I love your finds, except for the deer head. We have a herd of does and their fawns on our property and I’m no hunter. I particularly like the dresser and hutch. Painting them white and changing the hardware to crystal knobs on the hutch was brilliant. Most of all I liked the artwork. I’m a scrounger too and love going to garage sales and second hand stores. Some of the best finds I have ever made were in recycle depots and were free.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love your tagline, “Decorating Solutions for the Dollar Challenged.” I just recently bought a few small resin animal heads for my living room. Free is always better!

  4. my husband too has had to overcome the ‘STOP!’ panic attacks.
    your post made me laugh. Before pictures are hard to remember to take, especially when one is so excited to get to the after!!

      1. haha that’s true too!! I only started blogging as we prepared to get married and move to Ct, mostly to keep my thoughts in order…now as we reno a house…well I try. ha.

  5. Oooh! I love your deer head! He’s beautiful! (And yes very important that it’s not it not real!) I think he was waiting for you to come along and give him a new lease of life!

  6. Love this post, and it made me chuckle. Oh yes, I definitely did sit in front of someone’s house in my car for quite a while to debate the merits of picking up a small entertainment center that they had put by the road for free. They probably thought I was a stalker; I was definitely just a sad person realizing that I had no room for what could clearly have become a treasure 🙂

      1. Yes, a shed! So funny! I think I totally thought about how cool it would be to have a furniture shop when I saw that piece. There is a rambling boarded up house at the corner of my street; if money were no object, it would be awesome to turn it into my furniture, quilting, used book store.

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